Frequently Asked Questions

What is Auro Gold?
Auro Gold is an all-natural water purification solution that safely and effectively purifies water. Its unique, patented formulation of ionic sulfate minerals (electrolytes) neutralizes and assists in the reduction and removal of over 250 contaminants from water, providing you with cleaner, healthier, better-tasting drinking water.

What are the ingredients of Auro Gold?    
Iron…………………………………..1,330.0 PPM
Magnesium………………………….451.0 PPM
Potassium……………………………271.0 PPM
Phosphorus…………………………..30.5 PPM
Calcium………………………………..26.3 PPM
Manganese…………………………..21.6 PPM
Zinc…………………………………....…2.1 PPM


Auro Gold also contains up to 80 trace minerals including alum, cerium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lanthanum, lithium, nickel, rubidium, scandium, selenium, silicon, strontium, sulfur, titanium, and vanadium. As a natural substance, the mineral composition can vary slightly.

How does Auro Gold purify water, specifically?

Auro Gold purifies water in a 4-step process:

1. Coagulation: When added to water, Auro Gold causes invisible, suspended fine particles to destabilize, or neutralize, allowing the particles to come closer together, forming clumps, making it easier to separate solids from the water.
2. Flocculation: Flocculation is the process whereby the clumps of bacteria and particulate impurities formed during the coagulation process gather, or floc, and come together forming clusters. Once step one and two are complete, the contaminants are now neutralized and insoluble.
3. Precipitation: Once Coagulation and Flocculation occur, the insoluble, neutralized contaminants solidify as they precipitate out of solution.
4. Deposition or Sedimentation: The precipitates settle and are deposited as sediment at the bottom of your water container. This four-step process allows the precipitated contaminants to be easily filtered.

How many contaminants does Auro Gold reduce or remove?
Auro Gold has been lab tested according to EPA and NSF/ANSI standards (when applicable) and proven to eliminate or reduce over 250 contaminants from water.

What is the shelf life of Auro Gold?
Auro Gold does not have an expiration date. Stored properly, it will remain effective indefinitely.

What type of water can I treat with Auro Gold?
You can use Auro Gold to purify any water except salt water; this includes, but is not limited to, distilled water, reverse osmosis water, alkaline ionized water, toilet water, rain water, river, lake, or pond water, or any other freshwater source.

What do I do after adding Auro Gold to my water?

  1. Stir well to distribute the solution evenly throughout your water.
  2. Keep your water container uncovered to allow chlorine and other gaseous contaminants like volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) to dissipate entirely.
  3. Don’t refrigerate your water during the treatment process because cold temperatures slow down precipitation.

When can I drink my water after adding Auro Gold to it?
The wait time depends on the quality of the starting water. If the water you’re starting with is considered to be microbiologically safe (e.g. distilled or reverse osmosis water), wait 5-15 minutes before drinking. For polluted water, the suggested wait time is 24-48 hours to ensure the neutralization of toxic contaminants.

Time-Saving Tips:

    • Treat two large batches of water with Auro Gold at the same time, that way, you’ll always have one to use for drinking while the other is being treated. (1 or 2.5 gallon HDPE plastic jugs work fine and can be found at any grocery store.)
    • Add Auro Gold to warm or hot water to help speed up the treatment process.

Is it safe to consume the residue at the bottom of my container after adding Auro Gold? How can I remove it?
Yes. Though it may be unpleasant to look at, it is completely harmless and if consumed, will just pass through your body. However, most people prefer to remove it from their water. To remove it, you can use a water filter, pour your water through a cheese cloth or coffee filter, or simply pour the top portion into a separate container leaving the residue in the bottom to discard. You can pour this on your plants instead of down the drain!

How should I store my purified Auro Gold water?
You can store your purified water in either a glass, stainless steel, ceramic, or HDPE #2 BPA-free plastic container.

Is it okay to heat water after treating it with Auro Gold?
Yes. Heat will not affect the efficacy of Auro Gold. You can use it to treat your water when cooking or making beverages like coffee or tea.

Why does Auro Gold come in plastic bottles? Are they BPA-free?
Our 945ml bottles are made of food-grade, high-density polyethylene (HDPE) #2 plastic. We chose this material for our larger bottles because it’s one of the safest plastics with no known health concerns, is BPA-free, and easy to ship and recycle. Our small 120 ml. bottle is glass. All of our bottles are made in the USA.

How long do I wait before drinking the water?
• If you are confident that the starting water is clean (e.g. distilled, filtered and spring water), you can wait 5-15 minutes before drinking.
• When treating water in a restaurant, the suggested wait time is 5-15 minutes.
• It is ideal to let it dwell overnight to ensure all contaminants are neutralized.
• For polluted water, the suggested wait time is 24 hours. It can take up to 72 hours to neutralize all impurities and complex contaminants, such as micro-organisms.

Why didn’t I see any sediment after adding Auro Gold?
The effects may vary depending on the amount and types of contaminants in the water.

. Cloudiness and color change are signs of the initial purification steps, as the dissolved contaminants are coming out of solution. After a period of time, contaminants may clump together and form precipitates that settle to the bottom of your water container.
. Complex contaminants, like micro-organisms, may take longer to treat and you may not observe the effect immediately. The recommended wait time is 24-72 hours.
. Inorganic minerals and heavy metals sink.
. Chlorine, Fluoride and other gaseous contaminants evaporate off the top.
. You may not observe any sediment, if the starting water is clean (i.e. distilled, spring water) and there are not enough contaminants in the water to form precipitate.
. Try warming up the water. Warm temperature speeds up the precipitation process.