About Us

Auro Liquid Gold Europe
The mission of Auro Liquid Gold Europe is to provide the very best for your health and that of your loved ones. We do that by bringing a 100% natural product that transforms your drinking water to a level no other products can provide.
Its no secret that most disease starts with a lack of minerals in the body. The average person gets about 10-25 minerals whereas +-80 is required on a daily basis. As minerals are the building blocks of vitamins, it is very important to keep these levels up. This way you will increase energy levels, which we believe results in more joy in life and ultimately more self-love and love for others.
Auro Liquid Gold Europe is part of "Peace Of I Ecommerce"
Our mission is to share knowledge and deliver unique products that contribute to the rising of the collective consciousness.
We envision an amazing future on earth if we decide to let go of everything that holds us back from experiencing who and what we really are. We stand for pure love, compassion and happiness for all beings we share our precious earth with.
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